Election post

Given how diverse our student body is, as Equity & Inclusion Officer I would…
- Work to develop sustainable plans & actions that continue to promote equity, inclusion & accessibility.
- Work with clubs & societies to highlight the importance of considering intersectionality when making decisions.
- Listen to marginalised communities within the student body to uplift & celebrate their voice and interests.
- Create a clear programme for celebrations such as BHM, Disability History Month and LGBTQ+ Month, as well as creating resources to distribute.
Undertaking this role would give me the opportunity to expand the work I’ve done to improve inclusivity as Arts Officer on a wider scale. I produced an artsUCL event for BHM, as Equity & Inclusion Officer I’d work closely with part time officers to create a varied programme to engage a wider audience. As an arts producer for various charities centering the queer &/or POC experience I know how to implement small actions, which naturally create a safer environment for those who are ‘Other-ed’.I feel comfortable having uNcOMfOrTaBlE but necessary conversations as a team player.
I came to university apolitical & avoidant of my identity, throughout my time within SU UCL spaces, I’ve fallen in love with my black queer womanhood & have developed a strong drive to support others in systems that weren’t built with them in mind - I believe in collective success. I’d work hard to foster welcoming spaces within the Union. Given my approachability and organisation I would love to work with you all to create a sustainable safer space for all. Follow my campaign on social media for more details on how I’d achieve these aims