Election post


Together I aim to strive for progress. As a first-year representative heading the UCLES Engineering week, I have closely worked with the team, and I am proud to mention that it was a success. My passion for engineering is highly driven by commitment, which I think is a valuable quality required in a president, and that is what I bring with me, along with strong interpersonal and analytical skills. 
The sitting committee has worked very hard in the current tenure for the betterment of the society. I wish to carry the baton in the long run and make UCLES the biggest student-led society at UCL. To achieve this goal, I will be focusing on increasing student engagement. Looking at the success of the UCLES engineering week, I believe we should make it an annual event at UCL. 
Holding the position of Student Ambassador for the Engineering Faculty, I have proved my approachability and eagerness to voice diverse opinions. As president, I will have a robust platform to remove barriers, and your opinions will never go unheard. This is your chance to take a step towards greater heights. Each vote will be a vote for the benefit of the society. 
Having worked with the committee, I am now aware of society's immediate and long-term needs. Making me the most efficient candidate holding the values of productivity and diversity to overcome any issues we face over the coming year.