Election post


Debating has always been a huge part of my uni experience. It’s given me a welcoming community even when my first year was remote, and my role as Tournament Convener this year allowed me to understand the circuit better too. In my final year, I hope to further my dedication and serve as your President. 

First, I’m in good standing as a debater to lead DebSoc. I’ve been debating for nearly four years, breaking into the ESL Semi-Finals at Doxbridge 2, and breaking open in other Asian regional tournaments. I’ve also recently broken as a judge in Imperial Novices 2021. Being Tournament Convener has further added another facet to my experiences, making me well-placed to support every committee member in their roles. 

Second, I possess the skills needed for this leadership role. Convening five tournaments this year has not only massively trained my organisational and admin skills, but has taught me how to effectively communicate among team members and keep a level head during crises. Having served as Captain of the English Debate Team at my previous university, I have first-hand knowledge on leading a team whilst also managing the administrative side of the Society. 

Third, I can bring in fresh initiatives to maintain the overall quality and quantity of our members, including an attendance system, an internal tab system, merchandise, and higher utilisation of other channels like YouTube, Twitter, or our website.