Election post


Born and brought up in Bangladesh, I believe I bring all the elements the Vice President of Bsoc should possess on the table! I’ve been on the committee as a first year representative the past year, and had an amazing time being on the team that was organising events. Next year, I hope to reiterate the knowledge I’ve gained from the previous President and Vice President to liven up Bsoc with even more engaging events that involve Bangladeshi and Bangali cultural activities, tons of Bangali food (fuchka especially), a whole lot of partying and wholesomeness! My priority would be to help the Bangali community come together to have fun together. I also hope to be able to bring the other south Asian communities together with BanglaSoc to host the most memorable events this society has seen. My past leadership experiences in high school along with my sociable and extroverted nature should definitely aid me in being the VP that Bsoc needs!