Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed

The Bangladeshi culture is a huge part of who I am and as an international student who has lived a larger part of my life in Bangladesh, I believe to have a deep-rooted understanding of our culture and heritage. Being the General Secretary of the UCL Bangla Society has immensely elevated my Uni experience this year and has given me ample experience in conducting events & meetings. It has developed in me a sense of belongingness and responsibility to carry forward the legacy that has been preserved so beautifully by previous committee members over many years. My primary motive will be to constitute well-being, inclusivity and friendship within the society. I want to make UCL BSOC your go-to-place, encourage connections among fellow Bengalis living far away from home and make ourselves accessible to people across all platforms. As the VP this year, I would like to enrich and host the biggest flagship events and promote our exquisite culture through various mediums like music/dance performances, food carnivals, game nights & all things fun. I believe that my past leadership experiences have placed me in good position to exercise the required judgement in making executive decisions for the betterment of our society. I also wish to organize events like the boat party, Boishakhi Mela, BSOC ball, T20 World Cup/BPL viewings and unitedly enjoy the true spirit of being a Bangladeshi. All you have left to do is vote for me, Noorjahan Abdullah, as your Vice-President.

Born and brought up in Bangladesh, I believe I bring all the elements the Vice President of Bsoc should possess on the table! I’ve been on the committee as a first year representative the past year, and had an amazing time being on the team that was organising events. Next year, I hope to reiterate the knowledge I’ve gained from the previous President and Vice President to liven up Bsoc with even more engaging events that involve Bangladeshi and Bangali cultural activities, tons of Bangali food (fuchka especially), a whole lot of partying and wholesomeness! My priority would be to help the Bangali community come together to have fun together. I also hope to be able to bring the other south Asian communities together with BanglaSoc to host the most memorable events this society has seen. My past leadership experiences in high school along with my sociable and extroverted nature should definitely aid me in being the VP that Bsoc needs!