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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed



Re-open nominations is a winner
Count information
Date count run18 Mar 2022
Election rulesERS97 STV
Candidates running4
Available position1
Total ballots9
Valid votes9
Invalid votes0
Round 1
Destinée Tshiamala [8530]2.00
Xiaoyu Liu [9279]5.00
Aysenaz Ferhusoglu [9465]2.00
RON (Re-open Nominations)0.00
Count of first choices. The initial quota is 4.50. Candidate Xiaoyu Liu [9279] has reached the threshold and is elected.

Winner is Xiaoyu Liu [9279].


Xiaoyu Liu

Hi! It’s me again – if you have read the President page. If not, please allow me to express myself, that I really love the relaxing and cheerful atmosphere with our tango people, and really wish to do my part for the society next year.

With one-year’s experience as Secretary in a departmental students’ union, I enjoy making things done properly, and am keen on details whether cash is involved or not. My habit to check my own balance daily and to ensure reasonable accounts will also be an advantage as a Treasurer. I hope that these skills will safeguard our money, and money (and tango spirit!) will bless our society.

Thank you.

Aysenaz Ferhusoglu
Destinée Tshiamala