Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed

Hi, I'm William. You might know me as Sandvich Land or meanie, the guy that plays fall guys, or sussy baka etc etc on discord. You might also know me for my memes and my fumo worshipping. I am running for this position because I have been on this server for nearly 3 years now and I want to carry on the legacy of the UCL Anime Society. Under our current president, UCL AniSoc has reached its all time high member count and has had many successful weeb-based, fumo packed events and I want to carry on this success and establish my legacy in this society.
A good reason to vote for me is that I am very active in this society and actively go to the majority of events hosted by this society despite the COVID pandemic and I want to increase the growth of our society by promoting our events and spreading the word of the superior political party, the Fumo Party via social media. I want to increase the amount of interaction between our members and Yuni-Chan, our mascot, to create a fun sociable environment at all times.
I envisage Yuni becoming more active in the server and answering all of your questions and as a member of the Fumo Party, I hope I can turn this society into your weeb dream come true whether it is in person or online.