Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Improving the living and life environment for my housemates is my primary objective, which I would achieve by:

1. Arranging and organising several colourful events and activities for residents, such as party and reading, which could have a benefit impact on our physical and mental health.

2. Keeping abreast of all students' difficulties and constructing a feedback connection between residents, the Union and the University

3. I have completed one master's degree in my country, which is helpful of relieving the academic and dissertation stress for our residents by my previous experience.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I would try my best to bring about my experience and skills for my whole work:

1.Communication: Effective communication is essential in any role, especially in accommodation.

2.Organisation and planning: Organize students to come together in order to achieve a successful outcome.

3.Motivation and enthusiasm: Utilizing my driving force and eagerness to do my work.

4.Problem solving: Identifying students' problems and implementing the best possible solutions for them.

5.Flexibility: Considering flexible solutions for different students with different problems.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I know majority of residents in our hall are living in an unfamiliar place, which is far away their home. And I often support my classmates, flatmates and friends with life and study by my communication skills. So I think my previous experience is very useful to help them solve the problem of loneliness. If you elect me, I will put my passion and my determination to do this job effectively on the One Pool Street dormitory. More importantly, I am committed to the role and will work to ensure that all suggestions of residents would be transmitted back to Student Union and University.