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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed

Have you read the job description yet? Click here to find out more. 

In order to nominate yourself or vote for this position you must live at Prankerd and Schafer House. 


Josh Mills (He/him)
What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I want to create a wholly inclusive environment in which our accommodation feels more homely and familial. I want to organise events for all people no matter your interests or your skills. If I were to be elected I would:

  • Create regular activities which will allow people to get together, socialise and have fun in an inclusive environment,
  • Ensure there are obvious and easy means for those to find support from the welfare team if and when needed,
  • My big aim would be to reduce loneliness and home sickness that many people may feel through vibrant, regular and friendly social events!
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I think I have some important qualities and experiecies that will help me if I am lucky enough to be elected for this role.

  • I have lived abroad and would consider myself mutlicultural - I thus understand the importance of cultural diversity and would thus ensure that any acitvities created would have cultural diversity in mind,
  • I enjoy socialising but have experienced lonliness in the past and therefore I understand the improtance of including all people and not leaving anyone behind,
  • I have good team work skills and can communicate effectivley
  • Congrats if you've got this far through! :)
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

Why should students vote for me? Hmmm what a question aye?

Well... I would say that I want to make UCL the best experience for everyone. So often moving to a different place, city or even country can be super difficult and I think it is my duty to smoothen this process for as many people as I can.

Therefore I am all about inclusion - I want even the most shy people in our accomodation to feel like they can show their face and enjoy activities we put on. I want to make our accomodation a home away from home and if I can even put a smile on one more face I will feel my job has been succesful.