Election post


Hello, I’m Govinder, a 3rd year medical student at UCL currently intercalating in Paediatrics and Child Health. I am enthusiastic about running for this role because I deeply admire the work carried out by MSF and aspire to work for them one day. So I am eager to contribute to their cause through fundraising.

My plans if elected:

  • Organise regular Bake Sales- this is the most effective way of raising money and spreading awareness. Will contact local shops for food donations towards this and a potential partnership with UCL Baking Society. 
  • Get the whole society involved in fundraising events- increasing fundraising engagement within the society.
  • Boost awareness of MSFs work, current issues and fundraising efforts through social media.

Why am I qualified for this position?

  • Over the summer, a friend and I successfully fundraised over £500 for a school in Bali, solely through challenges carried out on our social media page. 
  • I attended the annual Friends of MSF Conference in 2023, gaining insights into different fundraising strategies and effective implementation.