Election post


Hi, I’m Daivi and I would like to be the RUMS Music Education Officer this year!

I have loved being involved in teaching whether that be as a GCSE science tutor, Maths mentor, Biomedical Society prefect at school or community instructor for Save a Baby’s Life volunteering project.

RUMS Music’s tutorials are brilliant! They are essential for my understanding. The RUMS Music community has such a supportive atmosphere and everyone is so keen to impart advice and wisdom and I would love for more people to benefit.

If elected, I would like to build on the amazing work done thus far including holding regular tutorials and updating the survival guides. I would also like to hold a iBSc education event as well as ‘how to adjust to medical school’ tutorials including “Top Tips for starting Year X” events, study skills sessions and maybe a campus tour for Year 1s.

To reduce a tutor's workload, I propose creating template presentations for each preclinical module and encouraging previous tutors to share their presentations, thereby creating a tutorial library. I would also like to look into holding a mOCAPE and increasing the number of tutorials for clinical years. I am always open to any suggestions/advice!

I believe I am well organised and resilient, being on the RUMS Review committee as Journalism lead and RUMS Music committee as Publicity Officer this year. I am passionate about RUMS Music and I would love to continue to give back to this community as your Education Officer.