Election post


Having completed 2 of my uni years as avid member of FilmSoc – in one of which I was on committee as Documentary Producer – I have used most of our equipment across various projects, and have developed a solid understanding of the way our society functions. I appreciate the cruciality of keeping our unmatched resources organised, well-kept and accessible. I thus hope to play my part in ensuring the highest possible standards of service for our members to fully utilise the opportunities that FlimSoc can offer. Here are some of my pledges:


  • A more transparent booking system so that members can immediately see the vacant slots that are available for booking on the calendar.
  • 3 strike rule for last minute cancellations to ensure maximum utilisation of the space.
  • Regular clean & check ups to ensure that the space is well-kept throughout the academic year.


  • Improvement to current storage space for better organisation of equipment, including clearer compartmentalisation and labelling within shelves
  • More regular tutorials, and (depending on demand) uploading tutorial videos on the fundamentals of using key equipment to our YouTube channel, for members to refer to at their convenience
  • Close collaboration with senior committee to facilitate timely repairs & new demands for equipment


  • I will be interning with a technician for at least 2 weeks in the summer, which will give me the insights to help ensure the upkeep of our server and website