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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting closed



Saleh Alsmaieel

I am nominating myself for this role as I believe it provides an excellent opportunity for me to demonstrate interest and develop a wide range of skills. I have myself held various roles in the past, including for example: Representative in high school, Group Representative and Peer Mentor during undergraduate studies, Phase 2 Representative in Manchester Urology Society, President for Manchester Anatomical Society, Participant at The National Neuroanatomy Competition [NUNC] 2021 & 2022 etc.), so extremely enjoy and familiar at handling key roles in societies. In particular, I absolutely love anatomy and surgery, hence why I held previous roles relating to these areas, and currently undertaking an MSc that is directly linked to these interests! The organisational, leadership and teamworking skills that I would hone and further develop by being an active committee member in the society, are not to be missed.  

Ultimately, what makes someone suitable for their role is passion; If you are passionate about something, then you will do wonders! Although I did not hold a “treasurer” role in a committee in the past, I have held various other roles; some of which oversee the treasurer’s role, so have some familiarity with the duties expected. My experience in other roles have helped me to develop key skills that would be vital, including punctuality, organisation & management.