Election post


Hi, I’m Sophie. I’m a second year psychology student but more importantly, an avid bubble tea enjoyer, so much that it’s become my first solution to any problem. 

Having been a former bubble tea barista (rip Biju), you can be reassured that bubble tea is something I have both the knowledge and passion for.

I have loved being a part of this society and having joined several events last year, it gave me the opportunity to make new friends and have time to breathe outside of stressful university deadlines.

As president I would like to ensure that we continue to host events that our members enjoy and create an environment where members are able to voice ideas or concerns they may have. I am confident in my ability to be able to lead a team and create plans to put these ideas into motion. 

I hope to be a president that you feel confident in approaching if you have any suggestions or just need a bubble tea recommendation :)