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Club Engagement and Communications

Sporting Sessions

This club has run an initiative to engage and develop beginners (1)

This club has run an initiative to improve Postgraduate engagement (1)

This club has a team or athlete on the High Performance Programme (1)

This club has registered a Level 2 qualified coach that leads sessions for a range of members (1)

This club runs weekly strength and conditioning sessions for competitive members (1)

Competitions and Events

This club had no walkovers during the BUCS season (1)

This club attended a one-off competition or event (e.g. BUCS or non-BUCS competitions, showcases, performances) (1)

This club attended two or more one-off competitions or events (1)

This club hosted a one-off competition or event (not including Varsity) (1)

Social Engagement

This club has partnered with another Club for a social (1)

This club has partnered with a Society for a social (1)

This club hosts creative socials that are not centred on alcohol (1)


This club has been featured in two or more news stories published in the TeamUCL newsletter, or on the Students' Union UCL website (1)

This club has put out news updates to members at least twice a term (1)

This club has ensured that all communications are compatible with screen readers, and all videos are subtitled (1)

Social Media

This club posts varied content on social media, with a regular upload schedule (1)

This club only posts professional content on social media (1)

All content is compatible with screen readers and uses alt text (1)


This club circulates a termly newsletter for alumni (1)

This club has taken part in the Mandy Walker games (1)

This club has an active careers network with its alumni (1)

Club Governance

Democracy and Committee

The club has achieved 60% voter turnout in the Students' Union Elections (1)

Had three minuted committee meetings per term (1)


This club has kept an accurate record of the club's finances, and discussed the budget during club development meetings (1)

This club has run a fundraising event that raised over £200.00 for their non-grant account (1)

This club has diversified its sources of funding via sponsorship or a Friends' Trust grant (1)

This club has increased its income from membership sales by 10% from the previous academic year (1)


This club has promoted one measure of sustainability with an effective outcome in line with the BASIS 12 Principles of Sustainability (1)

This club has held an event that aims to raise awareness around issues of sustainability during sustainability in sport week (1)

This club has implemented a kit & equipment legacy plan, focused on recycling, reusing or repairing club property (1)

This club has endeavoured to ensure that all products purchased for club activity is sustainably sourced or recycled (1)


The club welfare officer has held regular welfare events (1)

This club has an introduced an initiative in which welfare was the leading priority (1)

This club has partnered with a mental health charity for an event or fundraising campaign (1)

This club has circulated information to all members which signposts all Students' Union UCL wellbeing resources and services (1)

Training and Professional Development

All committee members have attended the Active Bystander training (1)

At least one committee member has attended a TeamUCL workshop (1)

At least 50% of committee members have attended the TeamUCL Leaders' Conference (1)

At least one member has upskilled as a coach during the 2024/25 academic year (1)

At least one member has upskilled as a referee/umpire/official during the 2022/23 academic year (1)

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

TeamUCL Campaigns (Black History Month, Disability History Month, All Jokes Aside, Pride in TeamUCL, Sustainability Week, This Girl Can)

This club has been actively involved in one TeamUCL project as part of one of the listed campaigns (1)

This club has been actively involved in two TeamUCL project(s) as part of one of the listed campaigns (1)

This club has been actively involved in three TeamUCL project(s) as part of one of the listed campaigns (1)

TeamUCL Against Hate

This club has a TeamUCL Against Hate Plan (1)

Pride in TeamUCL: Level 1 (1) Level 2 (2) Level 3 (3)

Diversity in TeamUCL: Level 1 (1) Level 2 (2) Level 3 (3)

Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harrassment: Level 1 (1) Level 2 (2) Level 3 (3)

TeamUCL Against Hate Accreditation (1)

Adjustments for Disabled Athletes

All access information about club training venues is published on your website, social media and club directory (1)

At least one committee member has attended a training session or workshop on disability inclusion in sport (1)

At least one coach from this club has attended a training session or workshop on disability inclusion in sport (1)

This club has run an initiative aimed at engaging disabled students (1)

This club's core sessions are accessible to disabled students (1)

This club has partnered with an external organisation to support disability sport (1)

Effective Community Impact and Projects

Engagement with TeamUCL Projects, Project Active and Bloomsbury Fitness

This club has entered a team in a TeamUCL League or Event (1)

This club has entered two or more teams in a TeamUCL League (1)

This club has supported the running of a TeamUCL League by providing volunteers to assist with matchdays (1)

This club was included in the London Varsity Series (1)

This club has partnered with Project Active to run a taster session for beginners, or a session aimed at engaging an under-represented group (1)

The club has one member that is a trained Project Activator (1)

The club has two or more members that are trained Project Activators (1)

This club has members participating in a UCL 5km Run (1)

This club has members participating in the UCL Campus (1)

This club has 30% of members with Bloomsbury Fitness membership (1)


This club has volunteered at a one-off event (1)

This club has volunteered twice a term throughout the year (1)

This club has members that volunteer regularly with a Union partner on the Volunteering Directory (1)

This club has run a student-led volunteering project with the Union Student-Led Projects Team (1)

This club has engaged regularly in a Students' Union UCL volunteering project through the Union's Volunteering Service (1)

Charity Fundraising

This club has run one fundraising event or campaign (raising over £100.00) (1)

This club has ran two or more fundraising events or campaigns (raising over £250.00) (1)

This club has raised over £1000.00 through the year (1)