artsUCL Awards

Societies Awards

TeamUCL Awards

Community Awards

Volunteer of the Year Award

Commitment to volunteering  Provide evidence that the volunteer went above and beyond to support their project/charity. For example, this could be number of hours, extra effort, support beyond role, etc. Explain the commitment, then its impact on the volunteer and organisation/project.
Volunteering with an impact  Provide evidence that the volunteer had an impact through their volunteering. For example, this could be an impact on a beneficiary, a volunteer, or the charity/project. Did the volunteer’s actions lead to change? What was this change?
Standout moment when volunteeringProvide evidence of a stand-out moment – something that happened over no more than one day. For example, this could be a moment with a beneficiary, a moment of realising their own potential, extra volunteering beyond role, helping another volunteer, etc. Explain the moment, then its impact on the volunteer and organisation/project.

Volunteering Organisation of the Year Award

Exciting and rewarding opportunitiesHow has your chosen organisation provided exciting and rewarding volunteering opportunities?
Provides opportunities to contribute in postHow have they enabled you to contribute your own ideas and creativity?
High standard of volunteer managementHow have they provided excellent support, supervision and personal development opportunities?
Stand-out moment when volunteeringProvide evidence of a stand-out moment – something that happened over no more than one day. For example, this could be a moment with a beneficiary, a moment of realising their own potential, extra volunteering beyond role, helping another volunteer, etc. Explain the moment, then the impact it had on you.

Oliver Hare Altruism Award

The Oliver Hare Altruism Award is presented each year to a UCL student who has demonstrated great commitment to helping others in both the university community and the wider world. It recognises initiative, empathy and altruism to bring about positive change through volunteering and philanthropic ventures. The award winner will receive £100.

The award has been established by the organisation Olly's Future in memory of Oliver Hare (16.2.1994 - 14.2.2017) who gained a first class honours degree in History at UCL in 2016. As well as excelling in academia, Oliver always sought to help his friends and anyone in need and acted as an inspiration to all those who knew him. In acknowledging the selfless efforts by a student at UCL every year, Olly’s Future and UCL hope to honour Oliver’s memory and encourage further caring endeavours and voluntary work in his spirit.

In the nomination form include a statement on how the nominee has demonstrated:

  • great commitment to helping others in both the university community and the wider world;
  • initiative, empathy and altruism to bring about positive change through volunteering and philanthropic ventures.

The statement can draw upon both formal and informal activities - the following list is intended as a guide and is not exhaustive: such as formal volunteering with a charity or community organisation, establishing a community project, supporting other people through difficult times, or demonstrating qualities of empathy and care.

As well as describing what the nominee has done, please explain what impact their philanthropy has had. Feel free to include stories, use quotes from other people, or feature photographs.

Student-Led Project of the Year Award

Awarded to the Student-Led Project that has made the biggest impact and can show the demonstrable difference their project has made to others in the community.

The Student-Led Project must have an approved risk assessment and must have delivered volunteering activity with the project beneficiaries, this academic year.

Commitment to Coproduced Research Award

A clear coproduced approach to researchEvidence provided for meaningful coproduction methods or approach being used/to be used in a current research project to ensure usefulness in civic society (non-profit or statutory organisations). This means working with and for the non-academic Partner. 
Articulates anticipated research impactA clear pathway to anticipated social impact is provided. For example, describes why and how it is known that findings will be useful to the Partner or describes outputs from the research that will be used by the Partner.
Postgraduate research Research project must be current PGT dissertation or PGR thesis. Projects can be pre-delivery e.g. a PGT master’s dissertation in the planning or design stages. 
Inclusion of a Community Partner, with a clear roleAn organisation from the non-profit sector – charitable, social enterprise, or statutory body - is included as a Partner in the research. The ongoing involvement and role of the Partner is clearly articulated e.g. co-designing data collection methods. 

Network Member of the Year

Awarded to an active member of a Students’ Union UCL network who has made valuable contributions and considerable impact to the experience of the network members. This may include:

  • Level of Activity/Engagement
  • Time/Resource Commitment
  • Relationship with Students’ Union UCL (including representative role in Zones etc)
  • Innovation/Creativity

Campaign/Initiative of the Year

Awarded to the campaign/initiative that best demonstrates achievement in the following:

  • Innovation/Creativity
  • Reach/Engagement with Network Community
  • Relation to Wider Societal Context and Movements
  • Impact on UCL Community

Network of the Year

Awarded to the network that best demonstrates achievement in the following areas:

  • Engagement with Members
  • Engagement with Wider Community
  • Level of Activity
  • Relationship to Students’ Union UCL
  • Creativity and Innovation of Opportunities

Student Officer of the Year

Awarded to a part-time student officer who has made valuable contributions and considerable impact for their student community. This will include (but is not limited to):

  • Level of Activity
  • Engagement with Community
  • Relationship with Students’ Union UCL (including representative role in Zones etc)
  • Innovation/Creativity

Honorary Life Membership

HLM Criteria 

To be eligible for a HLM an individual must meet the minimum following criteria:

Undergraduate student  

Three years exceptional participation in TWO of the areas listed below


Two years exceptional participation in THREE of the areas listed below.

Postgraduate Taught or Research student 

One year exceptional participation in THREE of the areas listed below


Exceptional participation in the Students’ Union and/or UCL student body 

Areas of Activity

Volunteering or community work: at least 15 hours of volunteering/community work (can be project based, one-off or ongoing volunteering).

Campaigns or initiatives: organising or planning a campaign or an initiative, which has benefitted students at UCL.

Representation: the nominee has been a certified Academic Representative or elected officer (including part-time officers, zone members, Union Council members).

Clubs or societies: the nominee must demonstrate active participation as a committee member of a club or society, participation in their club or society events, publications and other activities (e.g. productions, tournaments, etc.).