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If you're still wondering what your Sabbatical Officers do, and what their job entails then have a gander through the videos below. Your current Sabbs will be explaining what they do along with some of the things they've achieved this year. 

Voting takes place from 16 - 20 March. 

Black and Minority Ethnic Students' Officer

Represent the BME community (so someone who's from an African, Asian, Arab or Caribbean background) on the things that matter most - mental health needs of BME students, making sure there is a diverse curriculum, narrowing the attainment gap, getting more BME students into university or just making sure that there is a community of people that BME students can turn to. Become the BME Officer to continue progressing on these fronts and work on your own ideas for change.


Democracy, Operations and Community Officer

The Democracy, Operations and Community Officer (bit of a mouthful) gives one lucky candidate the chance to experience the world of business and commerce (the operations bit of the title means that you’ll be spearheading changes to our commercial outlets eg. Cafes, bars, shop). You’ll be implementing the business needs of the Union but you’ll also be key in making sure that the Union serves the people it’s here to serve, the students of UCL.


Education Officer

Like the title of the role, the Education Officer is here to look after the thing you’re here for: your education. They serve as the student representative in the most senior UCL committees, making sure that UCL serves the needs of students without deviating from this agenda.

Welfare and International Officer

Interested in becoming the next Welfare and International Officer? If you're someone who is fair, welcoming and wants to make sure UCL is as accessible and as welcoming an environment as possible then apply now to become the next Welfare and International Officer.


Postgraduate Students' Officer

Over half of students at UCL are Postgraduates which should mean it’s easy for Postgrads to meet others at the same level of study and network. But this isn’t always the case with many Postgraduates not feeling part of the UCL community. The role of Postgraduate Students' Officer exists to change that. By becoming Postgraduate Students’ Officer, you’ll become the voice for all Postgraduates and help make the changes that this community wants.

Interested? Here's Jim, current Postgraduate Students' Officer, to explain what you'll be doing in the role, what some of the perks are how your voice is key to decision making at UCL.

Activities Officer

The Activities Officer makes sure that your clubs, societies and their associated funding and facilities, as well as the Volunteering Service are effectively represented in UCL decision making. This means that they have a lot of contact time with students and societies.

This role is ideal for someone who is invested in Clubs and Societies or the Volunteering Service and wants to make change within these groups.



Women's Officer

Want to stand up for all self-defining women, non-binary students and those questioning their gender identities? You're in the right place. Run as Women's Officer and get paid to do just that! In this role, you'll be integral in creating a safe and welcoming space on campus and drawing amazing community of women at UCL together with the Women’s Network.