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How can we improve your student experience?

Your student reps meet regularly to discuss your ideas on how to improve the UCL experience at our monthly Activities, Education, and Welfare and Community meetings. These meetings are called 'Zones' and the students you elect during the Rep Election attend these meetings to discuss and vote on the proposals.

Each meeting discusses new ideas and more developed policy proposals aimed at improving the student experience. We want your input on these ideas! Read on to find out what's being discussed at the upcoming meetings and to have your say!

What ideas are going to be discussed?

Activities Zone agenda for the 31 October meeting

The idea: is for RUMS (the Royal Free, University College and Middlesex Medical Students Society) to be granted the power to produce new clubs and societies. The union has previously opposed this. Do you think the union should make this change? Answer our poll!

Education Zone agenda for the 1 November meeting

The proposal: lobby for Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) to be given UCL employee status. PGRs do not benefit from the same employment rights as UCL employees - if granted these rights, PGRs would be paid a real living wage, and be able to access employee benefits, such as sick pay or maternity leave. Do you think the union should take this stance? Answer our poll!

The idea: ban all oil companies from attending career talks aimed at UCL Engineering students. Or at the very least, educate students on the ethics of Engineering before these companies attend campus. Do you think the union should take this stance? Answer our poll!

Welfare and Community Zone agenda for the 3 November meeting

The proposal: the video should be used to complement training on consent whilst students are given their inductions at halls. The video is a short, simple and clear way to educate students Do you think the union should take this stance? Answer our poll!

The proposal: print a simple tool for educating students about abusive relationships on the back of coffee cups. The tool raises awareness and understanding of what abuse is using concrete situations placed on a scale ranging from green to red, varying from healthy to dangerous. Do you think the union should make this change? Answer our poll!

The idea: at university, many students experiment with drugs and alcohol. The union should provide guidance on how to minimise harm from drugs and alcohol, including resources on addiction to ensure students have the ability to make informed decisions about substance intake. Do you think the union should make this change? Answer our poll!

The proposal: mature and part-time students are the least represented demographic at UCL, placing them within these 'Zone' meetings would ensure their needs are adequately represented and understood by the union. Do you think the union should make this change? Answer our poll!

The proposal: for UCL's Finance and Investment Committees to end current and future relations with complicit organisations, for the Students' Union to openly condemn these organisations encouraging UCL to partner with ethical alternatives and lobby the NUS to follow suit. Do you think the union should take this stance? Answer our poll!

The proposal: there are reportedly high levels of harassment and bullying at UCL. Education about consent is important and needs to be talked about. We need to provide our student community with safety. Do you think the union should take this stance? Answer our poll!