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Written by 2019 Sports Officer, Jessica Reddy

Friday 8 March

Varsity 2019 kicked off with Fencing. The Women’s team secured our first point of the series, winning 135-81. KCL fought back with the Men winning 135-116. The day followed with UCL Men’s Lacrosse winning 5-3, but KCL Women edged back 3-2. Kings may have taken the lead at a tight Taekwondo fixture 4-3 and Women’s Volleyball 2-1, but UCL hit back with the Men’s Volleyball 3-1. UCL Women’s Hockey had a smashing high scoring fixture at Lee Valley 8-0. However, the day ended with KCL Men’s Hockey taking a narrow 2-1 win leaving the final day score at UCL 4 – KCL 5.

Saturday 9 March

Day 2 and UCL were ready to show KCL what they are made of. Both Men’s and Women’s handball won, 3-1 penalties (after a 20-20 draw) and 15-7, respectively. Tennis brought us another win of the series, 4-1. The scores remaining very even with RUMS Women’s Hockey winning 4-0, but GKT Men’s 4-1. Swimming stormed ahead with a splashing 157-95 win. Water Polo saw the KCL Women win 15-5, but the UCL Men brought it back winning 16-6. The final score UCL 10- KCL 7.

Sunday 10 March

The day UCL stormed ahead leaving a trail of King’s tears. It was WIN WIN WIN for all. Ultimate Frisbee 6-4, Badminton 9-2 and Baseball 18-16! The day rounded up with Men’s Basketball 91-63 and Women’s basketball 52-41. Final score UCL 15- KCL 7.

Monday 11 March

Varsity continues on a wild Monday. KCL Horse riding won with a 3 point margin. UCL Women’s and Men’s Football brought a massive crowd to Tooting and Mitcham FC winning spectacularly 4-1 and 2-0, respectively. Final score UCL 17-KCL 8.

Tuesday 12 March

The day we won Varsity… bit early right? UCs sporting talent has just been too much for KCL to keep up with. UCL Table Tennis won 13-8 but KCL American Football won 30-18. Over to Somers Town and UC Medics missed by a small margin 23-29. And for the winning Varsity point, UCL Netball crushed it winning 54-29!! Final score UCL 19- KCL 10 – easy.

Wednesday 13 March

Winning Wednesday’s are back and UCL wasn’t going to ease up on KCL. UCL RAX won 240 – 227, however, KCL nudged 2 more points with Rowing 2-4 and Pole Fitness. Final score UCL 20- KCL 12.

Thursday 14 March

Day 8 was a little quieter with KCL fighting back with Medics Women’s and Men’s Football 11-0 and 3-0. Final score: UCL 20- KCL 14.

Friday 15 March

The Final Varsity day has come. KCL managed to win one last point at the Squash but in the final fixture, Women’s Rugby brought the trophy home with a smashing 15-10 victory. Congratulations to all who played in the London Varsity Series 2019, we can keep the trophy with its rightful owners. Final score UCL 21-KCL 15.