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Simon Chen, who is studying a master's in Social and Geographic Data Science, also works in the Institute as student bar staff where he enjoys making cocktails for other students.

He was nominated for our Class of 22 project after it was brought to our attention that he went above and beyond over the Christmas period when many students couldn’t return home because of COVID. While Simon doesn’t see his actions as anything to brag about, we disagree... 

He tells us: “Ahead of the Christmas period I just kept thinking about how Christmas and the holiday period is a time people generally spend with family and loved ones. But with COVID being everywhere I knew students couldn't fly home, or had to isolate, and it was genuinely a difficult time for some. I knew a couple of international students for instance, that were essentially stuck here.  

“So I thought the least I could do was to try and make it a little easier by offering something warm to eat, a home cooked meal, just something different to getting non-stop food deliveries.

My thinking was that amidst all the negativity of re-entering lockdown and not being able to go home, the least I could do was try and add some positivity, to try and make someone's day a little better.  

“I put the offer onto the Bars group chat, and said that if anyone wanted any food, to just respond to my message, or let me know privately, and I'd happily try and cook something that fit their diet constraints. I’m part of the UCL Baking Society, so love to cook.” 

Simon ended up cooking some Japanese curry and baking some brownies which were then delivered to a few of his co-workers.  

He says: “A few of us also ended up having a Christmas meal together (albeit not a very traditional one!) but it was just a way to spend some time with other people, as opposed to being isolated.  

“Looking back, I guess throughout that period my thinking was that it shouldn’t be hard to be kind to people. As someone who grew up playing in sports teams (I used to play ice hockey and am now part of UCL’s Barbell Club), there was a lot of helping one another, picking someone up when they're down, and I just wanted to carry that on. You just never know how things are going, or how a small action can change someone's day... because I know that there have certainly been days where the smallest things have made a huge difference.” 

He adds: “I don't want to showcase myself as this angel or saint, who's always trying to do good, because that's just not realistic. Ultimately, I have outbursts, and frustrations, just like anyone else, I'm hyper-competitive, especially when it comes to sports, and I can be stubborn and annoying. But I think that all any of us can do is try to improve, to smooth out the rough edges, and continue to grow and learn.” 

We hope you’ll agree that Simon is a worthy member of our Class of 22 – go Simon!