Whilst we’re so excited to have recently welcomed a new team of Sabbatical Officers, it's also sadly time to say goodbye to our amazing 2022-2023 team. Whilst they may be leaving us now, they’ve made a massive impact on life at UCL as a result of all their hard work.

Deniz, Seyi, Mary, Hamza and Umair have achieved some amazing things this year. Here’s a few things they’ve managed to achieve this year…

What a year it has been! Undoubtedly, this year has been a challenging one for students, primarily due to the cost of living crisis and the university pay dispute. However, I can honestly say that myself and the other sabbatical officers have worked incredibly hard to mitigate these issues, amongst others. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed representing students and their interests across all levels of UCL, as well as regionally and nationally.

Hamza, Education Officer

Our officers have worked hard to support students through the cost-of-living crisis and by navigating the Hardship Fund this year. As a result of this, the Union’s Advice team have distributed over £150,000 to students in financial hardship.

Our Sabbs have also played a vital role in securing investment from UCL in the form of the Student Life Strategy. They have been a constant voice for students, striving to improve what we’re able to offer as a Union in terms of support, services, range of activities and offers. We have now secured a multi-million-pound investment to significantly enhance the student experience at UCL. Their hard work in securing this investment will transform what we’re able to offer in terms of sports, arts, societies, events and volunteering.

Of course, Mary will be returning next year, this time as your Union Affairs Officer. You can meet the rest of the new sabb team here.

Hello Everyone,

It has been my privilege to work with you this year. I am grateful to each and every one of you for doing something so beautiful, having an impact on our students and humanity.

“Receive without pride, let go without attachment.” -M.A.

Thank you all.

Deniz, Union Affairs Officer

I can’t express here about the things that I’m proud of because this quote would turn into a book but I can certainly say there were a few challenges that I overcame with the help of the amazing staff members and my spectacular Sabb team.

Umair, Welfare & Community Officer