04 November 2024
This week we interviewed Benjamin Li, who you have just elected as your UCL East Student Officer! Read on to learn more about Ben. We not only discussed his vision for the UCL East campus, students and community, but we also discussed who his dream dinner guest is, what his favourite film is, and he even told us about his secret talent!

Welcome to the role! If you had to describe UCL East in three words, what would they be?
My three words to describe UCL East are disruptive, fresh and underappreciated. I chose these words, because UCL East houses some of the most innovative new courses and all the facilities here are new, modern and high quality. The environment at UCL East is really great, but as it is so new, it doesn’t get the recognition and appreciation it deserves, which is what I want to bring to this role.
What’s one thing about UCL East students that you think everyone should know?
UCL East students will be the innovators of the future. We have the most modern range of futuristic courses which are being taken by some of the most creative, intelligent students who will shape the future. People shouldn’t underestimate UCL East students because they will be the change-makers of the future!
You’re tasked with representing UCL East students. What’s the most exciting part of that responsibility for you?
The most exciting part is being able take part in the growth of UCL East. This campus is only two years old, so there is so much potential for it. Our student life and all the new courses we offer are fantastic, but they are still in their early years - there is still so much more to this place that can be developed.
What’s one area where you think UCL East students could use a little extra support?
We need to bring more of the UCL community to UCL East. As the UCL East Student Officer, one of my main focuses will be to have more regular student events, activities, and bringing more societies over here. From listening to my UCL East course-mates, the consensus is it feels as though more is happening in Bloomsbury. I want to help foster a social environment here at UCL East, so that we are not reliant on what's happening on the main campus.
Okay, we’re getting personal now. Who would be your dream dinner guests?
As a person studying Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, I think that right now it would be Elon Musk. But if I could choose from anyone in the past, probably Steve Jobs - there are so many questions I have for him. Or maybe even Jesus, you know...he is such an influential figure. I would like to see what he was like in real life and if what people have said about him is true...
What is your favourite album, film and novel?
My favourite album is anything from Mac Miller. My favourite film is probably La La Land. And in terms of novels...honestly, the last time I read one was probably Beast Quest when I was around 10 years old… so I guess that I would have to say that one!
What would it surprise people to know about you?
I really enjoy singing, which is probably why I enjoyed La La Land! Once I get the UCL Live Music society to UCL East, you’ll be able to see me headlining the Open Mic.
What advice would you give your younger self?
One big thing I would say is to not be afraid of failure or rejection, as it is just part of life and the process. You just have to keep putting yourself out there and take advantage of opportunities.
What’s the best way for students to connect with you and share their views?
You can connect with me on LinkedIn, my username is: Benjamin Li. If you have any feedback you want to pass on, or have any ideas you'd want me to try to implement, drop me a line!