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On Monday 24 October, UCU, the trade union representing many academic and support staff at UCL and across the UK, announced the results of their most recent votes on industrial action over pay and pensions.

University staff were asked ‘Are you prepared to take industrial action consisting of strike action?’ on two separate disputes. One on pay and conditions, the other on pensions. Read more about the different disputes here.

  • On pay and conditions, 81.14% voted yes, 18.86% voted No. The turnout was 57.71%.
  • On pensions, 84.88% voted Yes. 15.12% voted No. The turnout was 60.23%.

These results are national, we don’t know what the UCL turnout or result was.

Due to this result, it is likely there will be staff strikes at UCL this academic year.

There is still time to avert a strike and we implore the trade union, UCU, and University leaders across the UK to continue their negotiations and reach a settlement before students’ learning is disrupted.

What next?

As the representative body for all students at UCL, we want to know if you support academic and support staff going on strike. You will have the opportunity to give your feedback through an all student vote (referendum) after reading week.

After the vote, whichever outcome has a majority will set our position as a Students’ Union for the remainder of the academic year.

The exact details of the all student vote will be decided shortly, but it will likely take place immediately after reading week, from 14 November.

Why does this matter?

Strike action is designed to cause significant disruption to the functioning of the university, with cancelled lectures, marking delays, and other disruptions. Strike action is a last resort, used only when all other negotiating tactics are exhausted.

As strike action directly impacts students’ learning, their support for strike action should not be assumed (just as staff support for strike action is not assumed). Instead, support should be sought through students’ representative body, either through elected representatives or an all student vote.

We will contact you about the all student vote as soon as it is confirmed and share any further information about potential strike action via our social media and newsletters.