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This week the first Policy Zone meetings of the academic year took place, with Activities Zone on Monday, Education Zone on Tuesday and Welfare & Community Zone on Thursday. Find below what was discussed, what policies were passed and some key highlights.

Activities Zone

Activities Zone meetings discuss issues, projects, campaigns and propose policies which aim to improve student activity at UCL including sport, volunteering, events and enterprise.

There were several matters for discussion, including the portfolio of Societies Reps in the SU, affiliations, increase UCL cultural exchange and COVID-19. The committee discussed the introduction of modest alternatives for sports uniforms and this will be brought further at the Sports Rep Subgroup. It was confirmed that sport headscarves will be made available for students as part of the sports kit.

The Digital Welcome Fair platform was discussed and members agreed it would be beneficial to utilise a similar platform for the clubs and societies directory. Club and society Presidents are also going to be consulted on this to provide feedback.

Minutes and a full recording of the meeting can be found online.

Education Zone

Education Zone meetings discuss issues, projects, campaigns and propose policies which aim to improve the educational experience of UCL students.

Here’s what was passed in the last meeting:

Champion Inclusive Education and a Decolonised Curriculum

This proposal argued that Students’ Union UCL should be at the forefront with students pushing for curriculum change, an accessible holistic liberated education and an education free of discrimination, prejudice and hateful speech. In the policy, there was a desire for the SU to focus on this aim through several activities.

Read the policy here.

Other issues focused on the current student experience and face to face educational activity.

Minutes and a full recording of the meeting can be found online here.

Welfare and Community Zone

The Welfare & Community Zone meets to discuss issues and work on projects, campaigns and propose policies with an aim to improve the wellbeing of UCL students on campus and in the wider community.

A range of issues were discussed including the current student experience, priorities for the year and Halls issues. One policy proposal was brought to the meeting around providing financial support to mature students over 60 – a number of changes were suggested, so this proposal has been referred back to the proposer and will be brought forward to the next Welfare & Community Zone meeting.


If you’ve got an idea on what you’d like to see changed around campus then let us know! 

You can have your say here.