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"Hey! My name is Shoora and I’m an international student from the Maldives, currently in my third year Natural Sciences on the neuroscience and psychology and medical physics pathway.

I’ve been a volunteering rep since the autumn elections. I was an active volunteer with the Students’ Union volunteering service, and part of the board of trustees when the new volunteering strategy was passed - it sounded very exciting. So, when the volunteering rep role opened, I saw an opportunity to work with the team. I wanted to help shape the volunteering services and improve the experience for the volunteers as it was a core part of my time at university.

I work with three other volunteering reps, and the volunteering service team. At the start of the semester, it’s takes up about three to five hours of my time in a week, but it differs throughout the year.

The volunteering think tanks, and working to introduce the Volunteering Officer role, have been the most memorable moments. Also, not to sound cheesy but getting to know and work with my fellow volunteering reps has been something I've really enjoyed.

As a group of volunteering reps we proposed the implementation of a Volunteering Officer (new Student Officer position) to ensure that the views of Volunteers are represented within our structures. The idea came up in one of our meetings when we were going through the Students’ Union structures and policies to see how well volunteering representation has been in cooperated into the Union. We were discussing ways we could increase volunteering representation in different levels within the Union. We initially wanted to modify role descriptions of certain pre-existing officer roles but found that it wasn’t going to be effective. So we decided to propose this position to be implemented in the structures. It then was discussed in the activities zone meeting and members of the activity zones gave feedback and voted it in. An outline of the role was written up and sent to the union exec to be finalised and approved. We really hope it makes a difference in how effectively volunteering representation is embedded within the Union.

I think volunteering is an amazing way to keep mentally stimulated and can provide a sense of purpose.

Volunteering is truly a rewarding experience. You gain far more from these experiences than anyone you might have helped or any purpose you contributed towards. I also find that it helps reduce my stress levels and makes me happier overall. It’s an amazing way to network and connect to people over causes that are important to you.

I’ve done a couple of social hackathons with the Volunteering Service at the Students’ Union. I also do a few volunteering things outside university, mostly in mentoring and coaching programs. One thing I’ve been consistently doing since the first year of university is Coachbright - it’s been one of the best parts of my time in university and in London. I’m involved in some community organisations outside university as well.

Aside from volunteering, I love neuroscience and psychology and I’m very passionate about mental health and accessibility. I’m also passionate about working with students from underprivileged backgrounds, and students who are struggling academically."