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You've probably seen lots of content from our volunteers about how much they love the organisations they volunteer at, but what about the other way round? Here's what our partners from PPL PWR and Leonard Cheshire had to say about our amazing UCL volunteers this year! 


-Natacha Madaule, PPL PWR

As Head of HR and Volunteer Service at PPL PWR (People Power), I have had the pleasure to welcome volunteers from UCL for a couple of years now. I always enjoy the fact that they come from so many different countries and fields, bringing a new and fresh perspective to our workshops and events. 

Most of them have joined us as DIY renewable workshop coordinators, helping us prepare and deliver workshops in East London secondary schools (13-16 years old) to teach students engineering skills, knowledge of renewable energy sources and technology and provide practical sessions developing individual student-led projects. Without them we would not have been able to deliver these weekly workshops. Furthermore, they have created wonderful links with the students and inspired them to follow their steps.

One of my greatest pleasure as well is to see them grow, witness how they gain self-confidence and progressively take on more responsibilities and for some propose and lead their own projects.

I want to thank all our UCL volunteers: Jacob, Yeo, Celina, Diana Morales, Osama, and especially Becky, Diana Galli and Aemelia for their wonderful support, energy and creativity. THANK YOU!! It is such a pleasure to work with you and get to know you better.


Paola Hanks, Leonard Cheshire

Elliot Sheyle started volunteering with Leonard Cheshire in September 2019, supporting the Employment Team as a Volunteer Research Assistant. His role involves helping the Team to map the commissioning landscape across the UK and create an interactive map of their research.

Elliot has been able to develop new research skills and also has learnt to adapt to an office environment, giving him more confidence and the ability to be creative and comfortable with his ideas and opinions.

He is very positive and enthusiastic, and always has a great attitude towards his project - the impact of his research will help us to provide more support to disable people in the UK!