It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

If you don't drink or are joining UCL before your 18th birthday, we've got you sorted. There's a lot of events focusing heavily on club nights and alcohol centred events, so it's sometimes difficult to know what opportunities are open to you. For those under 18, you can be limited to what venues you can go in since most venues that sell alcohol won't let you in if you're under 18 (and believe us, if you don't have ID, you can't get in; age checks are very tight in London). 

It's not just minors that don't drink or aren't interested in partying and here at the Union, we want to accommodate everyone and give you all the chance to make new friends and settle in. So here's a run down of the events we'll be hosting that won't require ID. They're broken down into our Global, Freshers' and Grads pathways, but anyone is free to attend any event.

Tickets are on sale now on our What's On calendar. You can also see the full events line up, including more details about the ones listed below, there.



  • Daily breakfast events
  • All walking tours
  • All Project Active events
  • All events in the Union Marquee in the Main Quad (including quiz nights, board game nights, ice-cream socials, cinema nights)
  • British Comedy
  • Karaoke
  • Pongathon

Freshers & Grads 

  • All walking tours
  • All Project Active events
  • All events in the Union Marquee in the Main Quad (like the ice cream social, 80s aerobics and the ceilidh)
  • Karaoke
  • Bandeoke
  • Musical Theatre Open Mic
  • Many society events
  • Lego Robot Making


You'll notice that some of these events are taking place in our bars - these have been carefully selected as non alcohol focused events that we want you to have the chance to enjoy. For all other events in our bars, access will not be permitted without ID. Please note that students wanting to use the bar during these events will still need ID.