For Black History Month, we spoke to some of our Black athletes on their experiences of sport at UCL...

Deborah Alawode

UCL Barbell Club, UCL Sportswoman of the Year 22/23, TeamUCL Elite Athlete

How has sport defined your time at UCL?

As someone who has always been extremely sporty, sport has been instrumental to my time at UCL. Whether that be trying to work out how to fit training around lectures, or helping coach some of the UCL Barbell Club weightlifting sessions, my time at UCL would not have been anywhere near as enjoyable as it has been if it wasn’t for sports!

What is your greatest sporting achievement at UCL? 

My greatest sporting achievement during my time at UCL has been representing England at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, where I placed 4th, only narrowly missing out on a chance at a medal!

What has been your proudest/ favourite moment with TeamUCL?

My favourite moment with TeamUCL has been helping lead the Barbell Club to victory at the first ever Weightlifting Varsity match against KCL in March 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic began

Why should students get involved with sport at UCL?

Alongside focusing on academics, it’s extremely important to have an outlet outside of the day-to-day demands of being a university student to prevent you from burning out. Sports are not only an amazing way to take a break from the busy-ness of university life, but also a great way to meet people outside of your course who share a common sporting interest. We’re also very fortunate at UCL to have an extensive variety of sports societies available for us to join, whether we want to take part recreationally or competitively