For Black History Month, we spoke to some of our Black athletes on their experiences of sport at UCL...

Ade Adenle

UCL Ultimate Frisbee Club

How has sport defined your time at UCL?

Sport has been a pretty large part of my university experience, providing a great balance to my work responsibilities. It allows me to develop and achieve in something outside my course and has been great at helping me de-stress. 

What is your greatest sporting achievement at UCL? 

A year in my greatest achievements have probably been our teams' placements in competition, with our most recent success being taking home the LUSL cup at the end of last year!

What has been your proudest/ favourite moment with TeamUCL?

My proudest moment so far was probably seeing how far we've come as a team-- coming from 2nd  in our region behind our rivals KCL in November, to beating them in our Varsity by years end. It's just great to see all the training we've done pay off. 

Why should students get involved with sport at UCL?

I think students should get involved in sports at UCL because of how fulfilling they can be. Nothing beats the feeling of triumphing over your opponents with a team you've come to know like family.