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Academic Representation at UCL is the primary way how feedback is communicated with teaching and professional staff at the university to improve student experience. The Representation and Democracy Team at Students' Union UCL supports the work of Academic Reps, who are elected on Course, Department, and Faculty level.

Academic Representative represent their peers by collecting feedback and bringing it to Student-Staff Consultative Committees (SSCCs) where issues are discussed with the aim to make positive changes and facilitate continuous student-staff dialogue.

Representation in 2021-22

Despite the return to in-person teaching, Academic Reps have still been dealing with the effects the pandemic on student experience. Reps have been successful in helping students readjust, by negotiating deadline extensions, building on- and offline support networks, and providing opportunities for students to socialise.

Key figures

This year we had 1898 Academic Representatives
65% of SSCCs appointed a Lead Department Rep
747 Academic Reps completed the handover form
1213 Academic Reps completed the training (64%)