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The annual Academic Rep of the Year Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of students and their contributions to the student community at UCL. We have over 1,600 Academic Reps who work with staff each day to make education better in your departments and faculties.  These reps demonstrate how the Union ensures the student voice is heard and shape the academic experience of students here at UCL. At the Awards ceremony, we also published our Student Priorities for Education Report which brings together the things reps have been working with staff on in their departments and the Tell UCL roadshow we ran last term.

The Faculty Winners were announced in advance, and nominees gathered at the Education Awards on 30 May 2019 for the announcement of the overall winner.

George Choa, Academic Rep of the Year 2019

George was named Overall Academic Rep of the Year, It was incredibly difficult for the panel to decide on an overall winner, with every Faculty winner having done an incredible job. George has been actively advocating for students for seven years and has implemented changes whilst working with staff. As Course Rep, he is always looking for new ways to engage with students, from introducing new module reps within the medical school to championing 24-hour library opening times in July for clinical students. Congratulations George!