It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

Academic Reps do one of the most important jobs in the Union - they make sure you have a voice in your education.

Each month, we’re featuring your reps and the work they’re doing to make UCL better. If you have an idea about how to improve your course, your department or UCL you can contact your own Academic Rep using our Find Your Rep page.

May's Academic Rep of the Month: Jr-Yun Lin (Karen)

Jr-Yun has massively impressed us with their self-motivation, communication, and leadership skills. Following up on the Term 1 feedback that they collected, Jr-Yun procedeed to arrange a meeting with the programme director, administrator, module coordinator, and students to discuss student concerns. This meeting was successful and resulted in the following 2 changes:  

  • An allocated studio space for students  
  • Provision of additional tools/components for students’ design projects  

Without this meeting these important changes would not have taken place. Thank you Jr-Yun for being a proactive Academic Representative and improving your fellow peers’ UCL experience.  

Fantastic Job! 

Here's a bit more about Jr-Yun (Karen):

Hello! I'm Jr-Yun, but you can call me Karen. I'm the representative for Design for Performance and Interaction at the Bartlett.As the course representative, I've been working to address any issues that arise during our time in the program.

While some problems may not be immediately solvable within our cohort, I believe it's important to voice our opinions to the university in order to benefit future cohorts. Change takes time, but it's worth striving for!

In general, I enjoy connecting with students not only from our course but also making friends with people across the campus. Since I'm based at the Here East campus, I like to engage with the community and participate in organizing events.

Additionally, I hold the role of Event Coordinator in the UCL East Society, so bringing joy and fun activities to students' lives is something I'm passionate about.

Feeling connected within the student body and being a representative for students, ensuring their voices are heard, is a rewarding experience. I hope to contribute to creating a better study environment and enhancing leisure activities for all students.

1) Want a quick and easy way to find your Academic Rep? You can find them in our directory here!

​2)  You can also put forward a nomination for your academic rep for the chance to be 'Rep of the Month'.