It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

Academic Reps do one of the most important jobs in the Union - they make sure you have a voice in your education.

Each month, we’re featuring your reps and the work they’re doing to make UCL better. If you have an idea about how to improve your course, your department or UCL you can contact your own Academic Rep using our Find Your Rep page.

May's Academic Rep of the month is: Sami Nabili

We are massively impressed by Sami’s enthusiastic attitude in their role as an academic representative over the past year but especially during Term two. Sami reached out to their fellow student's individually over direct message suggesting organising a weekly ‘informal club’ for everyone to get together, creating a supportive space for activities and sharing ideas. After several successful meetings, they now call it the 'Tuesday Club’ and has become a dynamic community ensuring that everyone involved feels included. 

Fantastic work, Sami!

Here's a bit more about Sami:

I am a postgrad student in Social Policy and Social Research and proudly represent its brilliant students for the academic year 2021-22. UCL gives us a remarkable opportunity to meet amazing and intelligent people from diverse backgrounds. The higher education experience gets richer when students form deep and strong connections. Over the past weeks, we created fabulous, friendly, and dynamic weekly gatherings. We called it the "Tuesday Club". Despite the challenges of studying an intensive PG course, we gathered, chatted, laughed, and helped each other in our studies. I am proud of my fellow students. The Tuesday Club could not be born without their contributions and warm, cooperative spirits!

​1) Want a quick and easy way to find your Academic Rep? You can find them in our directory here!

​2)  You can also put forward a nomination for your academic rep for the chance to be 'Rep of the Month'.