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As your Union, one of our most important jobs is representing your academic interests and making sure you can influence the way UCL works.  The best way for us to do this is by working with Academic Reps in every UCL Department.

Each month, we’re featuring your reps and the work they’re doing to make UCL better. If you have an idea about how to make your course, your department or UCL work better, you can contact your own Academic Rep using our Find Your Rep page.

May’s Rep of the Month is Shreya Rangarajan, Postgraduate (taught) Student Representative in the Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, who pushed for additional clinic observations to give students more hands on experience!

You can see what else she has been working on below.


"During my time as rep, I have managed to take the concerns from the students and make some curriculum changes to my programme for the next year. For example, one of the concerns for our MSK module was that students didn’t feel as though there were a lot of hands on and observations involved in the module. After our SSCC meeting, our programme lead has taken this feedback into consideration and will be adding more observation classes in next year when the course is being held again. Additionally, in our Voice module, there was some talk about observing a speech therapy clinic, in addition to the already existing voice clinics that we attend, in order to see how the speech and language therapist does exercises with their patients. Once again, I brought this up with the programme lead and the module leads and they also felt that it would be an appropriate addition to the module. I have been able to effectively serve as a liaison between the tutors and the students in order to ensure the course runs smoothly for the rest of this year but also next year. I feel as though I have a good relationship with the tutors as well as the students in my programme to best serve everyone's needs. Finally, as course rep, I am organizing an outing for the students with the help of the programme lead as a final successful end to our Masters program!"