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Academic Reps do one of the most important jobs in the Union: They ensure students have a voice in enhancing their education.

Each month, we’re featuring your reps and the work they’re doing to improve UCL. If you have an idea about improving your course, your department, or UCL, you can contact your Academic Rep using our Find Your Rep page.

April's Academic Rep of the Month: Queen Kojusola Aina-David

Queen Kojusola's Academic Representative work has focused on various areas to enhance the student experience and community at the GOS Institute of Child Health.

Queen Kojusola effectively communicated student interests by creating systemised avenues for feedback collection both formal and informal. This allowed students to share their suggestions of improving certain components of teaching and assessment. By passing on this feedback to academic staff, Queen Kojusola actively contributes to enhancing her programme.

To improve communication between the cohort and Reps, Queen Kojusola has introduced innovative communication strategies. She also works with other Reps to frequently check up on the well-being of her coursemates and organise community activities.

Queen Kojusola's consistent work addressing student concerns and finding solutions for problems fostered a new culture of responsiveness at GOS IHC. The feedback gathered will also improve student experience for subsequent cohorts.

Amazing work, Queen Kojusola!

Here's a bit more about Queen Kojusola:

Hi everyone! I am Queen Kojusola Aina-David, currently studying MSc Advanced Physiotherapy with a specialization in paediatrics. 

I am honored to be recognized as the Rep of the Month. I have always enjoyed being in leadership positions because I believe in speaking up and advocating for people. My personal mantra is “scream for those that whisper.”

This position has helped improve my communication skills over time. Effective communication is often the key to making meaningful improvements in student life.

Random facts about me: I can play Monopoly for 24 hours straight!

1) Want a quick and easy way to find your Academic Rep? You can find them in our directory here!

​2)  You can also put forward a nomination for your academic rep for the chance to be 'Rep of the Month'.