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about us:
akt supports LGBTQ+ young people aged 16-25 in the UK who are facing or experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment. We support young people into safe homes, employment, education, or training in a welcoming and open environment that celebrates LGBTQ+ Identities. 136,000 young people in the UK are homeless. 24% of those are LGBTQ+, made homeless by rejection or abuse from family. For as long as LGBTQ+ young people are subject to hostility, exclusion and insecurity, our services will be vitally needed.

about the role:
Pride is a celebration of the full rainbow spectrum of the diverse LGBTQ+ community, a chance to connect with the community, and to stand up for the rights of all LGBTQ+ people. The responsibility of our pride team at the parade is to have fun! The Parade is your time to shine. There will be loads of eyes on you so engage with the spectators and shout loud ‘n’ proud about the work that akt does.