It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

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Second last week of term, want to take your mind off exams or essays for a hot second? We've teamed up with Think & Do Camden, a community space for climate and social action, with their incredible partnerships with the KOKO Foundation for some back-to-nature volunteering that celebrates small individual gestures adding up to something huge, that makes change happen. Come and join us during the Winter Festival week!

What's the deal?

The fantastic project, Communi-trees, needs you! Communi-trees connects local residents with nature, acting as a springboard for climate action while simultaneously greening the borough, enriching biodiversity, improving health and wellbeing, and alleviating the impacts of climate change. It's a flagship KOKO Foundation project in partnership with Think & Do and Camden County Council, we have established self-governed mini forests across eleven local estates, including two orchards.

On the day, you'll be taking part in the following tasks:

  • First, there are plans for a small orchard of trees to be planted on the estate and therefore you will be preparing the ground and digging the holes ahead of tree planting. 
  • Second, want to plant a wildflower meadow? This is also part of the plan for the estate and will need 3cm of topsoil stripped and the laying of 30sqm of wildflower meadow.

    There's also lots of fun creative tasks to support on the day. This is likely to be:

  • Making information signs, to highlight the newly-planted trees and the wildflower meadow. The emphasis is on educational sharing - why are they important
  • To encourage wildlife to the area, work with residents to create bird boxes and build bug hotels
  • To brighten up the estate's grounds, bird box & bug hotel decorating

This event will go ahead whatever the weather, so when you sign up - make sure you're prepared to face whatever the British weather throws at us on the day!

You don't need any skills particularly - all the equipment and training will be provided and you'll be supervised and not be working on your own. 

...and the vibe?

Earthy, fun, getting your hands dirty! Think hot drinks, muddy boots, a friendly & kind group of people making a big difference to a local urban estate and a little difference to the climate.

📢📢 Free hot snacks and drinks provided throughout the morning! 

09:00Meet at UCL Print Room cafe, for hot chocolate and registration
09:30Travel together to site: Adelaide Rd, Chalk Farm, London NW3 3QA
10:00Volunteering starts, meet your team
14:30Volunteering ends - celebrate!

I'm still not quite sure...

It may be cold and dark in London right now - and, if you're not from here and this is your first year, it's probably come as quite the shock - but coming together for a greater and simple good will bring you light! Working in nature in the rain (highly likely! At best it will be gloomy) may feel like a drag but think cosy hot drinks and a camaraderie that happens uniquely from working in adversity! 

In a world of fast and instantaneous everything, from food to fashion, sloooow it down some and do something that is about tomorrow. What you achieve on this day, digging and planting, will only be realised in Spring, when the wildflowers grow and the trees take root. Shape the future for the residents of this estate!

Being in nature, slowing things down, doing a good deed - these things are all related to improved mental health and feelings of wellbeing. Imagine how you'll feel from 1/2 a day of all three of these things!  

There will be a friendly Student Events Host at each of our events so you can rest assured that when you arrive, you will be seen and someone will make it their business to come and say hi and make sure you're okay. Everyone feels nervous about taking part in something like this - we'll help you triumph over that, we promise!

📢📢 Save the date - tickets released soon!

Wheelchair accessible
Family friendly

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