It's LGBTQ+ History Month Celebrate with us 

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PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT HAS NOW BEEN MOVED TO WEDNESDAY 4TH DECEMBER: please check your email inbox for an email from us if you have already signed up for this event. 

We get it - it's dark and cold and London can feel gloomy at this time of year. Why not think ahead, to brighter days and beautiful spring days in the city? We've got the perfect opportunity for you - planting bulbs for Spring 2025 and bringin' the wildlife!

Alongside planting bulbs, you can also get creative with making information signs, bird boxes and bug hotels! 

You'll be part of a team that  will bring a splash of colour to an inner city estate in a few months. Get that longer-term feelgood factor! 

This is part of an awesome collaboration between Think & Do Camden, London Borough of Camden, and UCL, where students and staff have flexed their research skills and tested the soil earlier this term as part of a class project. Now it's your turn!

This is far more than simply planting bulbs - we're doing it to improve the places and spaces of Camden, on inner city estates where people live with little access to their own outdoor space. It's been co-created and designed with residents and we just need  a little people power. Nature is so important to wellbeing - you'll be contributing to the wellbeing of our Camden neighbours and environment, right before the holidays. What a gift!

But there's so much in it for you too! Work together in a team of UCL students with local residents and community activators, getting your hands dirty, doing something useful, something so different to your exams and essays. Invest in your own wellbeing through nature!

What's the vibe?

Easy-going and celebratory! Like a lot of our nature-based Big Help Outs, there's a real bonding moment when working in a team in bad weather! Think outdoor clothing, hot drinks, rosy cheeks, and warming up through manual labour. Basically, the opposite of sitting in your dorm room or a lecture hall at UCL! 

You'll join residents, volunteers, and local experts from the area and, as well as the bulb planting, there's lots of fun creative tasks to support on the day. This is likely to be:

  • Making information signs, to highlight the newly-planted trees and the wildflower meadow. The emphasis is on educational sharing - why are they important
  • To encourage wildlife to the area, work with residents to create bird boxes and build bug hotels
  • To brighten up the estate's grounds, bird box & bug hotel decorating

That sounds like I need some carpentry skills?

Not at all!* You will be working with other volunteers and anyone can help decorate a bird box! 

*Having said that, you should definitely let us know if you have any carpentry or basic woodwork skills as Think & Do Camden would love to hear from you.

📢📢 Save the date - book now!

Wheelchair accessible
Family friendly

As this is a public event, on a Saturday, feel free to bring family along to join the fun. 

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