Whats better than astronomy, museums, silent disco, talking to like minded people and drinks? Combining them all together!
Join us on the evening of Thursday the 6th of March to a trip to the Science Museum for their Space Lates event!
Here's a small description:
At Space Lates prepare to boldly go where few have been before as we examine the latest innovations in space technology, explore the most exciting discoveries of cutting-edge space research and delve into the detail of the most exciting space missions underway today.
Discover an evening of talks, demos, interactive workshops, food and drink—not forgetting, of course, our famous silent disco in the Exploring Space gallery.
YES, you read that right, a silent disco in their Space Gallery for the small price of £4!
Some other highlights of the night include:
- Spacelets - Create your own Solar System to wear on your wrist
- Talkeoke - Discuss the big astronomy questions on stage: Are there aliens? Should we colonise Mars? Should humans even be in space?
There will be a chance to travel together from UCL!
Not convinced? Well the admission is Free! and you get to hang out with the best committee at UCL!