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Whatever your postgraduate level of study, have you ever found yourself in a conversation or debate, wanting to confidently share your views while staying respectful, but not sure how to do it? If you feel a bit nervous and find it tricky, you're not alone! We understand you want to grasp diverse perspectives, find common ground, and interact with different personalities inclusively. We're here to help you achieve that.

In collaboration with Up Skill 4 Life, we've created this session to help you master these skills and eliminate those awkward silences. You'll learn to express your views confidently, challenge your assumptions, and find common ground with others. Plus, you'll boost your emotional intelligence and become great at handling debates and social interactions. Join us and become a more skilled, confident communicator. 


What you'll learn:

  • Empowering yourself to engage in the debate - overcoming the fear  

  • Navigating different types of disagreement - ideological, interpersonal & professional 

  • Knowing your triggers & reactions… and how to manage them during debate 

  • Understanding diverse perspectives - overcoming barriers to effective listening 

  • Recognising the dynamics of disagreement across generations 

  • Exploring emotional intelligence competencies 

  • How to identify & build empathy with different personality types 

  • Understanding different influencing styles & how to use them 

  • Cultural agility - exploring global differences in giving feedback & influencing  

What you'll do:

  • Interactive group activities & practical exercises 

  • Group discussions 

  • Individual activities 

  • Feedback & peer to peer reviews 

  • Tutor insights 

What we hope you'll gain: An increased confidence to navigate challenging discussions and disagreements in a respectful and inclusive way.   

Other useful information: 

Why not look into session 2 of this course: Facilitating Debates (running on Saturday 20th July)

These workshops will be delivered by Jonathan Day, Founder and Learning & Development Consultant at Up Skill 4 Life ( Established in 2009, Up Skill 4 Life specialises in skills based training with a particular focus on leadership, management & early careers development. Jonathan has been fortunate enough to partner with an incredibly diverse client base; across the business, not-for-profit and university sectors. This places Jonathan in the unique position of both developing and learning from, many different teams, leaders and cultures. Jonathan’s philosophy towards training workshop design & delivery is simple – it should always be agile to a group’s needs, interactive and Never Use Slides. 

Wheelchair accessible
Family friendly