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Course Overview:

This weekly beginner-level Chinese class, conducted by UCLCSSA Mandarin Education Society, aims to help students establish basic proficiency in the Chinese language, covering listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Through the study of everyday scenarios and practical contexts, students will gradually grasp fundamental Chinese vocabulary and grammar structures. The course content includes greetings, self-introductions, family, shopping, dining, time, numbers, and other daily-life themes to cultivate students' ability to communicate in simple Chinese.

Date & time & Venue:

In Term 2 of 2024, the Mandarin Language Class (Beginner Level, UCLCSSA) takes place every Thursday 2-3pm and every Friday 5-6pm. Venues TBC every week, and please dm ins for more information and to join our WhatsApp group chat for up-to-date information. You can also contact our activity leader Naiqian [email protected] for more information.

2 Classes in a week on the same content, so you could choose either slot to join, that fits your weekly schedule.

Find information about intermediate-level and advanced-level mandarin class, conducted by UCLCSSA Mandarin Education Society, on our society website please (Or contact our activity leader Naiqian [email protected]).

Beginner-level Teaching Content:

  1. Everyday Expressions and Greetings: Learn common greetings, self-introduction, and basic conversational phrases.
  2. Numbers and Time: Master basic numbers and expressions of time, including making appointments and asking for the time.
  3. Family and Occupations: Learn vocabulary for describing family and occupations, enabling basic introductions.
  4. Shopping and Dining: Acquire expressions used in shopping and dining scenarios, including ordering and shopping dialogues.
  5. Basic Chinese Characters and Pinyin: Introduce fundamental Chinese characters and Pinyin for basic reading and writing.

Teaching Methods: The class will employ diverse teaching methods, including listening exercises, oral dialogues, reading practice, writing exercises, and cultural introductions. Through group collaboration, role-playing, and real-life situational simulations, students will be encouraged to actively engage and enhance their language application skills.

Wheelchair accessible
Family friendly