Book tickets

Ever wanted to check out skateboarding? Heard about a longboard for the first time? Or just looking for a new hobby to try out?

Come along to our relaxed taster session, perfect for beginners and enthusiasts alike! This informal session allows you to practice at your own pace in a supportive, fun environment—no pressure and no prior experience needed.

Session Includes:

  • Open space for roller skating or skateboarding/longboarding
  • Beginner-friendly environment for practicing basic skills
  • Tips and tricks shared among participants
  • Opportunity to meet fellow skaters

Feel free to bring your own equipment or just ask to borrow some from our collection of inlines, skateboards and longboards before the session. Protective gear is encouraged (we have many to lend).

Location: Kensington Gardens Broad Walk, meeting in the Bloomsbury Theatre if you want to borrow equipment

Roll in, meet new friends, and enjoy a laid-back introduction to skating!

Note: Please ensure you have purchased a Standard or Taster membership prior to attending the session.

Make sure to join the Whatsapp group for updates on location and borrowing equipment.

Wheelchair accessible
Family friendly

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