It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

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Please tick the box that best describes your experience participating in the UCL Campus Run.  

Key: 1= Strongly Disagree / 2= Disagree / 3= Neutral / 4= Agree / 5= Strongly Agree 

I would attend another UCL Campus Run event in the future.
The UCL Campus Run enabled me to make new friends.
Participating in the UCL Campus run gave me an improved sense of belonging at UCL.
The UCL Campus Run has made me feel better connected to other students, to UCL and to my local London community.
The UCL Campus Run has allowed me to understand the ways I can be active whilst at UCL.
The UCL Campus Run was an affordable event.
The UCL Campus Run was fun.
We would love to organise another UCL Campus Run for next academic year. Please let us know when you would prefer the event to take place: