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Have a glance at the categories below to see which category is the best fit for your member of staff. You are welcome to submit in more than one category. Each nomination requires a new form. 

  • Active Student Partnership: Thank a member of staff who’s committed to listening to and working with students and their representatives to improve and change education in their module, programme, or department.
  • Amazing Support Staff: Thank a member of staff who isn’t in a teaching role, but still makes a huge difference to your learning with their help, patience and care.
  • Brilliant Research-Based Education: Thank a member of staff who educates you about the latest, cutting-edge knowledge, or who enables taught students to create knowledge by conducting their own research.
  • Diverse & Inclusive Education: Thank a member of staff who works to make sure your curriculum or research recognises marginalised scholars, and shines a light on diverse perspectives.
  • Excellent Personal Tutoring: Thank a member of staff who is always there to provide you with pastoral support or academic guidance.
  • Exceptional Feedback: Thank a member of staff who provides constructive, useful feedback on your assessment and learning, helping you to progress and succeed.
  • Inspiring Teaching Delivery: Thank a member of staff who delivers exceptional teaching, using innovative and engaging methods to hold your interest and help you to learn.
  • Outstanding Research Supervision: Thank a member of staff who helps postgraduate research students to succeed, and balances providing support and fostering independence.
  • Sustainable Education: Thank a member of staff who is leading the way on embedding sustainability into the curriculum and shaping our future climate leaders.
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