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Sign up here for a one-day gym pass exclusively for postgrads this summer. Fill in your details on the form below, then head to Bloomsbury Fitness by JUNE 30th for a free workout session

Health & Safety Guidelines

5.1 All members are entitled to a free induction which can be arranged via the fitness centre reception. Any member aged under eighteen years old must have an induction before using the facility.

5.2 Members must read all Health and Safety notices displayed in the fitness centre and always comply with their requirements. You must observe all instructions regarding the safe and proper use of each item of fitness equipment in the fitness centre. You must not use any item of fitness equipment with which you are not familiar or have not received specific induction training on its safe use from a qualified member of staff.

5.3 Members are required to use the safety features of the equipment. If you are unsure how to use a machine, you must not use it until you have obtained instructions from the staff.

5.4 Members must wipe down all machinery and equipment after use and return it, where appropriate, to its original storage place.

5.5 Items placed in the lockers are the responsibility of the owner. Bloomsbury Fitness takes no responsibility for any lost or damaged items.

5.6 Lockers may only be used during your visit to the fitness centre. Items left overnight will be removed and stored for forty-eight hours before being permanently removed from Bloomsbury Fitness.

5.7 Bloomsbury Fitness is an inclusive space. All site users must respect each other, the staff and equipment provided. Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. The severity of the action taken will be dependent on the circumstances. Staff have the right to ask disruptive members to leave the facility. The Fitness Centre Manager reserves the right to terminate membership if deemed necessary. If membership is terminated due to inappropriate behaviour, no refund or partial refund will be given.

5.8 Members must take responsibility for their own health and safety and must not do anything that could put themselves or others at risk of injury or ill-health.

5.9 Members must not misuse or tamper with any equipment provided in the interests of safety.

5.10 If a member notices anything that could present a risk, for example a defective piece of equipment, or the activities of another person they should report it immediately to a member of staff.

5.11 Misuse of membership, intentionally damaging the facility or equipment, are actions that may also result in the termination of membership.

5.12 You are prohibited from taking photographs or filming within Bloomsbury Fitness without written permission from management.

5.13 Although this is a comprehensive list, it is not exhaustive. Bloomsbury Fitness reserve the right to investigate any incident on-site, that endangers safety or causes offence to others.