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School 360 is a new primary school in Newham. It is an experimental school, set up deliberately to innovate in its curriculum and teaching approaches.  It has a strong focus on play, a social justice curriculum and an emphasis on nature and outdoor learning.

We believe in the importance of communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity, and this has helped shape the content we teach, as well as the way we teach.

We value wellbeing and relationships and believe children can be taught how to manage these more productively.  We teach through projects, which help pupils make sense of the world through cross-curricular themes, support them in working to tackle issues of local and global social justice, and teach them to value reflecting, revising and reworking their ideas until they can be proud of them.

School 360 offers pupils a holistic education of the Head, Heart and Hand. We pay attention to each learner as a rounded human being, their happiness and self-awareness, their knowledge and understanding, and their skills and experiences.  As well as a focus on crucial literacy and maths skills, we develop a range of skills across the curriculum, social, emotional, creative, physical, scientific and academic.  At the heart of our curriculum is a focus on social justice, both locally and globally, enabled through strong partnerships with the community around us and supported through contact with experts in their fields.  As a school focused on oracy, we pay particular attention to storytelling and we remain curious about learning from different perspectives.

School 360 is committed to a culture of innovation and curiosity, and is interested in exploring how schools can change the way they approach education. We want to offer an education that better meets the needs of all children, as they move into a future that changes quickly, and in unexpected ways.
Suuporting children's learning in maths
If you are able to spare one hour a week between 9.30 and 11 or 1.30 and 3 on a regular basis, we'd love to have your support with our most vulnerable learners.  Learning maths and loving math
Gardening with children
As a school we think it's really important for children to connect with nature and know where their food comes from.  We have a school gardener who comes in once a week but can only work with
Support struggling readers
If you are able to spare one hour a week between 9.30 and 11 or 1.30 and 3 on a regular basis, we'd love to have your support with our most vulnerable readers.  Learning to read and loving to