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Roma Support Group is a registered charity established to provide support to Roma communities in the UK.

We aim to improve the quality of life for Roma refugees and migrants by helping them to overcome prejudice, isolation and vulnerability. It is also our objective to make the public aware of Roma culture, heritage and current situation of Roma refugees and migrants in the UK through cultural and informative events and publications.

We do this through providing: Advice and advocacy; education support; health and mental-health support; policy and campaigns; and support for professionals working with Roma.

The need and demand for our work is reflected in our casework statistics. At present we provide assistance to over 2,500 Roma refugees and migrants from Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Lithuania, and Balkan countries.
Youth Activity Volunteer
The Aspiration Project supports Roma children and young
Research Volunteer (Campaigns and Policy)
The Roma Policy & Campaigning project aims to promote social justice and address disadvantage experienced by Roma refugees and migrants in the UK, specifical
Policy and Campaigns Volunteer
The Roma Policy & Campaigning project aims to promote social justice and address disadvantage experienced by Roma refugees and migrants in the UK, specifical
Archives Volunteer
The Roma Support Group (RSG) was the first Roma-led charity to be established in the UK.