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Khadys Dream is a crime prevention organisation dedicated to teaching young people about the hidden effects of the criminal justice system. Our goal is to help them make informed choices that can steer them away from trouble.

Currently, many young individuals are learning about the criminal justice system through social media, which tends to glamorous crime and make it seem acceptable. Sadly, the reality is that most young people only start to grasp the serious consequences of their actions after they’ve been arrested, and by then, it’s usually too late.

We firmly believe that no young person should have to face arrest to understand the implications of the criminal justice system. There should be a reliable educational platform where both parents and young people can access information about the system in a way that is modern, genuine, and easy to understand.

Through various media initiatives and workshops, we are working to create positive change. We aim to provide young people with the truth, helping them avoid misleading narratives and choose paths away from crime. Additionally, we are educating families about the fundamental consequences of the criminal justice system so they can inform their children about the real risks involved.
Research Volunteers to Enhance Impact Reporting for Stakeholders
Khadys Dream is a dedicated crime prevention charity that collaborates with young people and schools in Camden.
Research and Survey Design Volunteer for Khadys Dream
Khadys Dream is a rapidly growing crime prevention charity dedicated to working with young people and schools in Camden.