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Organisation aims / mission / values

  • Body & Soul is an award-winning charity dedicated to transforming trauma with love. Whether someone has been neglected or abused, trafficked, attempted suicide or stigmatised because of HIV – we have helped to liberate thousands of people from the trauma that controls them.
  • Body and Soul is built on love, kindness and a desire to understand one another. From the beginning, we created a ‘healing community’, inviting our members into an environment where everyone is keen to find out what happened to you before you met us, and what is going on in your life right now. This tenacious attention to the nuance of individual circumstances is the foundation of a genuinely systemic, whole-person approach to health and wellbeing.
  • In dynamic dialogue with our members, we identify the most difficult aspects of their lives right now and take any immediate steps we can to resolve them, while also nurturing the practical, social and psychological factors that will protect them in the future.
  • The rigorous scientific basis for our work means we now have a 25-year track record of making a demonstrable positive difference in many thousands of lives, lending remarkable empirical support for our founding philosophy: no matter when you come to us or how trauma and adversity have affected your life, you can change, heal and grow.
  • “In many ways, Body & Soul has changed and grown over the past two decades, but the work we do is still underpinned by three fundamental values: bravery, love and wisdom. Everything we do follows from these, and they will continue as the bedrock of the work we do into the future.”.