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Terrence Higgins Trust
Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) is the leading HIV and sexual health charity in the UK working to reduce the spread of HIV and to promote good sexual health. We campaign for greater understanding of HIV and sexual ill-health, providing services across England, Wales and Scotland.

You'll support our work by fundraising with your friends, community, family and colleagues. This is a vital role as it helps us to reach new people, inspire new fundraising activity, and thank our supporters for the work they are doing. We'll provide ongoing support, including exciting and inspiring fundraising ideas. This is a varied volunteer role that's well suited for anyone interested in fundraising and organising events of all sizes.

You'll also have the opportunity to volunteer at events such as our World AIDS Day Walk based in Brighton and UK-wide running and challenge events. We ask that all Virtual Volunteer Fundraising Ambassadors aim to raise a minimum of £500 in their first year in the role. All fundraising must be carried out within the most current Governments COVID-19 isolation and gathering in groups guidelines.

The benefits for this role include:

- Recognition of your fundraising achievements when you reach £500, £1,000, £2,000 and £5,000.

- Support and supervision from a dedicated Volunteer Manager.

- Updates on the work of the charity and the impact your fundraising is making.

- Reimbursement of expenses on agreed tasks.

- References given subject to Terrence Higgins Trust policy.

- Opportunity to develop and update skills and gain new experiences.

- Great experience for anyone hoping to start a career in the charity sector.

- Ongoing support from Volunteer Manager

  • Fundraising with your friends, colleagues, family and online or offline communities/networks.
  • Inspiring others to fundraise and support our work.
  • To act as an ambassador for the trust and champion the work that we do every day to end HIV transmissions by 2030.
  • Organise an event of your choice e.g. quiz night, dancing competition, bake sale, tribute night, club night etc.
  • Promoting, recruiting teams or volunteering at our World AIDS Day fundraising walks in Brighton.
  • With our support, host your own World AIDS Day fundraising walk in your local community.
  • Giving short inspiring talks about the work we do to a variety of community groups (experience of public speaking is preferred).
  • Volunteering with us at our cheering stations at London based running and challenge events e.g. Virgin Money London Marathon 2021.
  • Sharing your local and regional knowledge to help identify fundraising and charity partnership opportunities.
  • Feeding back on your volunteering experience with us. Core activities would include:
  • Promote and adhere to THT’s Equal Opportunities Policy, Confidentiality Policy and Volunteer Code of Conduct
  • Promote and maintain health and safety regulations, practices and conditions
  • Be responsible for the security of buildings and their contents and the charity’s resources
  • Complete all necessary paperwork and provide basic monitoring data as required
  • Take part in group support sessions and supervision as required for the role
  • Attend meetings, conferences and undertake training as appropriate
Core induction training and one-to-one support provided.

Time commitment

Can be flexible around your personal, family and work commitments.
Application deadline

This organisation is one of our community partner organisations.

Like all volunteer recruiters we work with, they have signed up to our service standards, agreeing to abide by our policy on partnership working to keep you safe and supported whilst you volunteer.

You’ll never be out of pocket for volunteering through us – with in-London travel expenses to and from your volunteering guaranteed.

In addition, the team here at Students’ Union UCL Volunteering Service is here to support you throughout your volunteering journey – you can get in touch with us at any time.